Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 7:39 AM
Site: Full-Time Training in Anaheim - Online
Course: Full-Time Training in Anaheim - Online (FTTA-OL)
Glossary: FTTA-OL FAQ

Are the courses self-paced?

No, FTTA Online courses are not self-paced. There are lessons and written assignments that must be completed on time each week. But you do not have to be online at the same time with the other learners in your class. You can do your weekly assignments at any time, day or night.


Can I change my time zone during the term?

We highly recommend that you do not change your time zone once you set it. There may be a situation where someone is traveling to a different city for a period of time during the term and they would like to change their time zone to the city they are traveling to. This is fine. However, you must realize that when you change your time zone, the time stamp on all of your assignments changes to the new time zone. It is possible that some assignments that were submitted on time could be marked late because changing the time zone also changed the submission time of the assignments. Please keep this in mind if you decide to change your time zone during the term.

Can I drop a course?

A learner may drop a class according to the following deadlines and conditions:
• through the completion of the first week (i.e., 24 hours after Week 1 grades are posted)
    - refund of US$180
    - no requirement to retake the course in the future
• through the completion of the second week (i.e., 24 hours after Week 2 grades are posted)
    - no refund of course payment
    - no requirement to retake the course in the future
• after Week 2 grades are posted
    - no refund of course payment
    - no requirement to retake the course in the future if learner is passing as of last grades posted; otherwise, course required to be retaken according to FTTA-OL’s “Failed Course Policy”

Can I get a refund if I need to withdraw due to extenuating circumstances?

If you need to withdraw from a course due to extenuating circumstances after the deadline to drop the course has passed, you can send an email to: office@onlineftta.org, explaining your situation. The FTTA-OL office will review the circumstances and your standing in the program to determine whether the requirement to retake the course can be waived and/or whether the tuition can be reimbursed. 

Can I print out the lessons so I can read them at a later time?

Yes, you can print them for your personal study; however, for copyright purposes, nothing you print should be distributed to anyone under any circumstances.

Can I request to be in the same class as another learner or a group of learners?

Yes, groups are invited to sign up and go through the class together. If you would like to take a course together with someone else or with a particular group of learners, each learner must individually send an email to office@onlineftta.org and request to be put into the same class as the other learner(s) listed by name (not, for example, "the other saints from Anaheim"). We must do this to respect the intentions of all the learners involved. We will do our best to accommodate all requests that are received by the Saturday before the term begins. Due to program restraints we may not be able to fulfill some requests.

Can I share the course lessons with others?

You can share portions from LSM materials that we use in the program with others. But learners should never communicate the entire content of any part of the program to anyone (e.g., the content of a whole Web page in a lesson, the content of an FQ, the content of a quiz item, etc.).

Also, of course, anything that a learner would share with others should be done orally only or perhaps in private emails only but definitely not online or in email distribution lists. It is improper for anyone to republish anything published (including the ministry materials) electronically or in print form without prior permission of the publisher (in this case LSM).

Also, learners should never pass on what the other saints have contributed in the forums or what Staff has offered anywhere. These would be violations of other people’s privacy, since everyone in the program is posting with the understanding that what they have posted is for the limited audience of their little class only.

Anything composed by a learner (apart from quotations and paraphrases from other sources) belongs to the learner and can be used by the learner elsewhere without permission from FTTA-OL or LSM.

Can I skip a term?

Yes, you do not have to take courses in consecutive terms. You are welcome to sit out for as long as you like and return at any time as long as you have passed the courses you have taken. If you have failed a course, please see “What if I fail a course.”

Can I take more than one course at a time?

Yes, you can take more than one course per term depending upon your available time and capacity, but most learners take one per term.

Can I use my iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, or smartphone to take classes in FTTA-OL?

The FTTA Online program is not designed to be used with iPhones, iPads, Android tablets, or smartphones. The program involves an extensive amount of thoughtful writing, which would make participation on these devices difficult. The limitations of text input on these devices could encourage short, quick responses which are counterproductive to the whole intention of the program, which is to delve deeply into the materials. Further, not all components of the program are technically compatible with these devices.