Can I share the course lessons with others?

You can share portions from LSM materials that we use in the program with others. But learners should never communicate the entire content of any part of the program to anyone (e.g., the content of a whole Web page in a lesson, the content of an FQ, the content of a quiz item, etc.).

Also, of course, anything that a learner would share with others should be done orally only or perhaps in private emails only but definitely not online or in email distribution lists. It is improper for anyone to republish anything published (including the ministry materials) electronically or in print form without prior permission of the publisher (in this case LSM).

Also, learners should never pass on what the other saints have contributed in the forums or what Staff has offered anywhere. These would be violations of other people’s privacy, since everyone in the program is posting with the understanding that what they have posted is for the limited audience of their little class only.

Anything composed by a learner (apart from quotations and paraphrases from other sources) belongs to the learner and can be used by the learner elsewhere without permission from FTTA-OL or LSM.