The following chart shows tentative course offerings and dates. Courses within the same color-block are part of a parcel and must be taken in ascending numerical order (within that color-block). All other courses are standalone courses and have no prerequisites. (For more information about parcels click here.)
(2024, 2027, 2030...)
(2025, 2028, 2031...)
(2026, 2029, 2032...)
Term A Term B Term C Term D Term E Term A Term B Term C Term D Term E Term A Term B Term C Term D Term E
WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01 WG01
GW01 GW02 GE02 GE03 SP01 SP02 BC04 GE04 GE05 EC01 EC02 EC03 FM06 BC01 BC02
BC03 FM01 FM02 NJ01 NJ02 FM03 FM04 FM05 FM06 BC05 SP03 SP04 SP05 TG02 GE01

Class Dates for 2024-2025

New learners are required to take The Word of God (1) before moving on to other courses.

Term Start (Wednesday) End (Tuesday)
24A 3-Jan-2024 27-Feb-2024
24B 13-Mar-2024 7-May-2024
24C 22-May-2024

[Mid-term break: 26-Jun-2024



24D 14-Aug-2024 8-Oct-2024
24E 23-Oct-2024 17-Dec-2024

Term Start (Wednesday) End (Tuesday)
25A 1-Jan-2025 25-Feb-2025
25B 12-Mar-2025 6-May-2025
25C 21-May-2025

[Mid-term break: 25-Jun-2025



25D 13-Aug-2025 7-Oct-2025
25E 22-Oct-2025 16-Dec-2025

Course Offerings by Term

Term 24A (3 January 2024 through 27 February 2024)
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The God-ordained Way (1): “That your fruit should remain” (Prerequisites: None)
  • The Body of Christ (3): The Status, Condition, and Recovery of the Church (2) (Prerequisites: BC02)
  • The Experience of Christ as Life (1): The Economy of God and the Experience of Life (Prerequisites: None)
Term 24B (13 March 2024 through 7 May 2024)
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The God-ordained Way (2): “For the perfecting of the saints” (Prerequisites: GW01)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (1): Incarnation—The Person of the God-man (Prerequisites: None)
  • The Experience of Christ as Life (2): Basic Principles of the Experience of Life (Prerequisites: EC01)
Term 24C (22 May 2024 through 30 July 2024)
[Mid-term break: 26 June 2024 through 9 July 2024]

  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • God’s Economy (2): The Revelation of the Apostle’s Gospel in Galatians (Prerequisites: GE01)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (2): Incarnation—The God-man’s Living and Redemptive Work (Prerequisites: FM01)
  • The Experience of Christ as Life (3): The Experience and Growth in Life (Prerequisites: None)
Term 24D (14 August 2024 through 8 October 2024) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • God’s Economy (3): The Walk of God’s Children in Galatians (Prerequisites: GE02)
  • The New Jerusalem (1): The Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem (1) (Prerequisites: None)
Term 24E (23 October 2024 through 17 December 2024) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The Spirit (1): Five Critical Points (1) (Prerequisites: None)
  • The New Jerusalem (2): The Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem (2) (Prerequisites: NJ01)

Term 25A (1 January 2025 through 25 February 2025) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The Spirit (2): Five Critical Points (2) (Prerequisites: SP01)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (3): Inclusion—Christ’s Person and Work in Resurrection and Ascension (Prerequisites: None)
Term 25B (12 March 2025 through 6 May 2025) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The Body of Christ (4): The Intrinsic View of the Body of Christ (Prerequisites: None)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (4): Inclusion—The Divine and Mystical Realm and the Universal, Divine-Human Incorporation (Prerequisites: FM03)
Term 25C (21 May 2025 through 29 July 2025) Tentative
[Mid-term break: 25 June 2025 through 8 July 2025]

  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • God’s Economy (4): A Life Fully according to and for God’s New Testament Economy (Prerequisites: None)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (5): Inclusion—The Secret, Experience, and Goal of God’s Organic Salvation (Prerequisites: FM04)
Term 25D (13 August 2025 through 7 October 2025) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • God’s Economy (5): Avoiding the Snare of a Vague Vision concerning God’s Economy (Prerequisites: GE04)
  • The Full Ministry of Christ (6): Intensification—The Stage of Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit (Prerequisites: None)
Term 25E (22 October 2025 through 16 December 2025) Tentative
  • The Word of God (1): The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move (Required for first time learners)
  • The Experience of Christ as Life (1): The Economy of God and the Experience of Life (Prerequisites: None)
  • The Body of Christ (5): The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ (Prerequisites: None)